Wednesday, 15 December 2010

now I ain't saying she a golddigger...

Good evening. or lunchtime, depending on where you're reading this.
Robson and Jerome here. The collective. The royal 'we'.
We are sitting in my (Robson's) room, attempting to scrub our moustaches off and wash the pots from tonight's dinner. And WHAT a dinner it was.
On the menu from chef Jerome tonight:
Tortillas with chicken, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, you name it its in there
Homemade chips, just nicely crisp.
Angel delight, with chocolate coins broken up in there and strawberries dipped in.

We are now finding it difficult to walk, let alone emulate our gangster heroes, or try on outfits for the coming festivities! Expect a blog shortly (probably after Jerome's gone home, when I get my act together with photos) about our recent mini-hol to Enoshima and Kamakura, by the beach, depending on whether we can catch one Mr Harry Stanley on skype - we'd like to take this opportunity to wish him a very happy 89th birthday!!!!!! Congrats Parold, prezzie coming in just over a week now!

Anyway this week's festivities include another visit to the ballet - The Nutcracker, our Christmas dinner and Christmas day, and a masquerade ball!!! Excited doesn't cover it!

Signing off for now, Jerome's still got pigtails in and I've got her mobile counterbalancing my chains hanging down my back.

occasionally, we scare ourselves.

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