Monday, 20 September 2010

It's nearly Japan O'clock for Jerome...

Oh hello. It is I, Jerome. Robson's been chewing my ear off about here I am!
Two and a half days left until I fly to Japan, and it's all getting a wee bit hectic. My right eye was twitching at the weekend due to lack of sleep and nerves. I've packed for the most part, and am very happy with the selections I've made.  My university in Japan sent me a delightful powerpoint presentation outlining some vital information for my move. It also had a section on セク ハラ (sexual harassment)...excellent.
I've had some tough goodbyes over the last few weeks, shed a few tears (thanks De Tisi), and it's only just starting to sink in that I'll be gone for a whole year. But then again, it will go quickly I'm sure. But not too quickly I hope. But quickly. Oh, you know what I mean. Jerome over and out.

1 comment:

  1. In your own time Jerome. No セクハラ incidents so far in Toks, this may turn into a whole blog section of its own.
    Robson over and out for the count.
